Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Every good thing must come to an end

Why every good thing in life must come to an end?
If everything was good then it wouldn't be good or even special, that's what makes life exciting. It's just like this small story that I know.
There were four boys and their father asked them to go to a tree each in a different season. Once they all went there, the father asked what they thought when they saw it. The first one said, it looked horrible there wasn't a single leaf on it. The second one said, it was beautiful there were flowers blooming everywhere. The third said, I thought it was a waste of time it looked like an ordinary tree and the last said, it was quite nice a good surprise. Because all these boys went in different seasons they didn't see the same thing, and that's what life's about. Like the first one said it was horrible just like life sometimes you have the not so nice times, the second said it was beautiful just like the good times etc, so if good things never ended than it wouldn't even be one.

Somethings and some people in life are very precious, nothing else can replace them. so, no matter what don't lose them and cherish every moment you got. People don't know the importance or value of a thing until they lose it. In war you are allowed to err only once, so as in life for certain things you are allowed to make mistake only once. But in war and life even one mistake is expensive already, because in war you will lose your life and in life you will lose your soul.

So I say it's a great virtue to know the value of a thing when you already have it. The whole point of this is don't lose a good thing, but if you have to lose it lose it for your life.

They also say "Life is not fair". Yet, losing good things is not so bad because they may end physically but not mentally. But, just for argument sake if good things must end, let them end because if I am contented just with good things, I might miss better things to come in my life and also the best of the things.

Like the poet said, Grow old with me, the best is yet to be,....

Bis Später!!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Friday, January 1, 2010

What's your New Year resolution?

I have been hearing this like for a very long time and people tend to talk about this only during new year time and eventually they forget and do not even realize till the next new year.
Does every one have to have a new year resolution every year? Why not, things doesn't remain the same in their course of life, every thing pretty much changes around you some way or the other. So, adapting to them is nothing but changing. Sometimes it's difficult for us to do that, that's the time you need to think and analyze and be more mindful. The very idea of that can be a resolution, and if you want to start fresh on a new year that's New Year resolution.
The most popular ones are:
  1. Quit Smoking
  2. Quit Drinking
  3. Get Organized
  4. Get into Shape
  5. Get out of Debt
  6. Learn Something New
  7. Help Others
  8. Enjoy Life More
  9. Spend more time with Family
  10. Find a Mate
Find a mate??? What a loser? Is this a resolution? Please don't ask me, just trust me it is. Also "Enjoy Life More", falls into this category.

But, again the statistics say that every year about 70% of the people make some kind of new year resolutions. Unfortunately, an overwhelming majority of these people forget about their resolutions within first several weeks of the New Year. If you are one of them, don't even have one. If you are really serious, I have some tips to encourage people how to keep them. Hope it helps me keep mine too.
  • The most important thing is to be honest with yourself.
  • Quit Cold Turkey
  • "Between stimulus and response, there's a space, and in that space is our power to choose our response, and in our response lies our growth and freedom," says Marlatt.
And as you know, mindfulness gets you into that space. If you cannot control your own actions no one else can. I know it's difficult, so just find a way to deviate from it. Find activities that honestly makes you feel happy doing them.
  • Don't try to be hard on yourself
The pleasure of victory is a better incentive than the agony of defeat. "Punishment is a poor motivator". It sets people up for failure. If all you do is punish yourself for failure, you won't stay motivated to change for very long. Instead, reward yourself for sticking to your limits and focus on the benefits of changing. For instance, if your goal is to drink less or talk less, treat yourself to something you want - a new book or DVD. Success tends to beget greater success, like they say "Like begets like".
"Never say, 'I can't do it". "People make mistakes. If you keep working at it, you will get better over time. That's common sense, isn't it".
  • Get Better Friends
Consciously and unconsciously, people tend to imitate those around them. Surround yourself with friends who can also be role models. Make sure that people you hang out with are people who look and act the way you would like to. Social imitation is the easiest form not only of flattery but of self-improvement," says Stanton Peele.

Guys, if you get a chance please read the articles by Anita Hamilton: "In Old Age, Friends Can Keep You Young. Really".
Good friends can not only help you through slip-ups, but they can also help keep your New Year's resolution from taking over your life.
Rather than obsessing about what you shouldn't be doing, think about things you should. The distraction will help you curb bad habits. Focus on your higher goals and positive activities, things that both sustain you and fill your life. If you regularly engage in meaningful activities that give you pleasure - whether it's visiting friends, picking up a hobby, taking a class or doing volunteer work (one of the most overlooked sources of personal joy and meaning is helping others) - you'll simply have less time to crave or engage in the behavior that you want to reduce.
Again don't force people to be your friends, that's not gonna happen. Be honest and loyal if you expect your friends be like that to you. So, it's like merry-go-around, you might have to use the other techniques or have a resolution to pick better friends in life, just kidding.
I am proud to say that I have few best friends in my life, that I can look up to them.

By the way my 2010 new year resolutions are save money (this economic situation should teach you something, right?) and what ever it takes be happy and be a typical human being and put yourself first for anything.
If you are a mindful person all through the year, you don't need to have a resolution on New Year, but what are you going to lose, that's why Babu says, "Have one just for fun"

Bis Später!!!